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JF Ossan
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06-13-2010, 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Simple... a ban was established on all commercial whaling 24 years ago. A few countries are getting around the ban by saying it's for science, etc, but they and everyone else knows its just a way around the ban, and the pressure is on them to slow down or stop. This proposal essentially throws up the hands of surrender and legalizes commercial whaling again, removing any moral or legal pressure that was brought to bear by bending the rules. Will only those few countries hunt whales, or will the legalization cause other countries that had given up on whaling due to the ban come out of retirement to hunt whales again too? It's saying "ok, I guess we can't stop you from killing whales, so we'll legalize it again to make it easier for you if you promise to only kill a few..."
Explain how many whales are being killed now per year, and explain how many whales would be killed per year by this new proposal and then explain why less is better than more.

I am only going off of the link you provided.
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