Originally Posted by Nyororin
It`s not a joke, and is a pretty common thing for new parents and family to say to babies. Along with よろしく and the like.
Thank you.
As for teaching them Japanese... Well, do you speak it fluently? Are you going to speak ONLY Japanese to them? It`s not as simple as just randomly teaching some words.
I took it for two years in college and still speak it pretty well, but I'm not fluent. I haven't ever really had any ongoing interactions with babies, but have been told that a lot of the time I'll just be doing "kore/sore/are wa [noun] desu/desu ka"-type identifying activities with the baby.
I plan to speak very little, if any, English around the baby. I will speak English to my family, of course, which will hopefully be all the English he hears me speak. I plan on putting in the extra time needed to improve both my reading and verbal fluency so he doesn't learn a hackneyed version of the language.
Apologies for the romaji. I haven't installed Anthy on this computer yet.