Originally Posted by noodle
EDIT: MissMisa, I can't be bothered to reply to your rant up there, but are you really gonna stand there and say the Anime industry is TEENY?????????!?!?!?!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? What world are you in?
Well yeah... compared to Japan, our anime industry is tiny. And compared to other industries like film and games, outside of Japan, the industry is tiny and struggling. We should support western anime releases as much as possible.
As you know probably know noodle the 'anime industry' in England is practically non-existant. We have a few websites run by fanatics and one magazine.
EDIT: Are you on about the whole anime industry or what noodle? I'm on about how western companies are struggling to make ends meet. Most of the anime we get in England is from the USA, and it doesn't make much money here. Japan, on the other hand, well anime is a regular part of life, and easily and cheaply available, without translation. So they'll be doing fine I imagine.