Originally Posted by MMM
That's quite a statement.
If ALL environmentalists thought it was a terrible idea, do you think anyone would go through with it (especially a Democratic prez)?
I think we are mixing terminology. "Lifting the ban" is a bit of a misnomer as there is no ban on whaling now. Countries like Japan are killing whales legally.
That's not a "ban".
So if the idea is to change the rules so that the rules are more strict and that fewer whales are killed, then I would support that. People can call it "legalization of whale killing" but whales are being killed legally now.
You never answered my first question, Samurai.
Yes, I think Obama especially is the kind who'd go through with it because he's all about appeasement and deal-making rather than standing on principles.
And yes, there is a ban on commercial whaling. It's been around for 24 years, pushed for by President Reagan. There is no ban on scientific experimentation on whales that results in the whale's death, after which they harvest the meat.
So, which environmentalist groups are for this, then? Read these:
A large coalition of international environmental and animal welfare organizations (see list below) recently completed an analysis of the newly proposed IWC deal and are uniformly opposing it.The deal, as currently formulated, would legitimize commercial whaling practices, allow continued illegal trade in whale products, and would undermine historic efforts to end international whaling.
List of environmental and marine conservation organizations supporting the NGO analysis of the proposed IWC agreement includes:
American Cetacean Society,
Animal Welfare Institute,
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition,
Asociación do Biologia Marina Guatemala,
Australians for Animals,
California Gray Whale Coalition,
Campaign Whale,
Campaigns Against the Cruelty to Animals,
Centro De Conservacion Cetacea,
Cetacean Society International,
Comite Ballena Azul Nicaragua,
The Cousteau Society,
Dolphin Connection,
Environmental Investigation Agency,
Equilibrio Azul,
Fundacion Promar,
Fundacion Yubarta,
Global Ocean,
Humane Society International,
The Humane Society of the United States,
In Defense of Animals,
Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas,
International Fund for Animal Welfare,
International League for Protection of Cetaceans,
Irish Seal Sanctuary,
LegaSeas International,
Natural Resources Defense Council,
Ocean Care,
Ocean Sentry.
Pierce Brosnan Urges Obama to 'Save the Whales' - Tonic
Action Alert! - ACS - American Cetacean Society
Obama to Lift Whaling Ban?
Whaling ban in jeopardy? | The EcoSpheric Blog
Obama Breaks a Whale of a Campaign Promise
YouTube - ifaw's Channel
Protecting Whales Around the World | IFAW Web Site