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noodle (Offline)
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06-14-2010, 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
I'm actually glad you understand this. I love the UK, but I feel like Noodle has so much anti American sentiment built up for no reason. We can't control (in it's common sense) how the markets are, and it just so happens that the US market is the leading market for anime next to China outside of Japan.

For some reason, Noodle is trying to say that I'm acting like the US is the center of the planet, when all I've done is show that North America has plenty of data to suggest that it has a much larger market for anime than the UK, therefore the effects of a decline in anime in North America are a lot more detrimental than that in the UK.

This has nothing to do with US/UK relations.

Just out of curiosity, of the anime you watch in the UK, about how much of it is in American English since you've said a lot of it is from the US. I didn't know you guys got anime from us in a dubbed fashion, if that's what you mean.
Dude, once again, get over yourself! Me looking at the global picture of Anime instead of looking at USA only does not mean I have anti-America sentiments. If you think it does, then you are ridiculously over sensitive!

Riiiiiight! You were comparing it to the UK when you didn't even mention the UK. Listen, you say something like the US has 5% of the worlds population and between 20 to 30 of the worlds economy, then I'm gonna point out you're being arrogant because that has NOTHING to do with the subject. If you feel that's insulting the US, then once again, get over yourself, it's about YOU and only YOU!

Lastly, would you care to show me your sources about the US being the second biggest seller of Manga/Anime next to China? Last time I read anything about this, the industry in France was 5 to 7 times larger than the US! If things have changed drastically since I read that, please let me know!

EDIT; will reply to the rest later!
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