Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#427 (permalink))
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SweetSuicide (Offline)
\m/ Rock hard love harder
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04-04-2007, 08:40 PM

**Good job CoolNard, now, time to battle!!**

"Come on and fight me like a REAL man. No weapons." I knew this was going to be easy now. He was weak and relied on his weapons to fight.

"Fine. But you know this is going to be a lot harder then you think." His eyes glowed more and more. He was trying to find my weak points, but I stop there and let him make the first move.

"Well, are you going to fight me or no? Or are you still all talk and no show?" I braced myself so that I would be ready for anything that could he could throw at me. He came in swinging, leaving his gut wide open. I ducked and threw a good one right into his stomach. It knocked the wind right out of him. He steped back in shock. I took two steps foward and came at him with a reversed fist and hit him square in the head. He was stunned and fell backwards. I walked over to his body that was laying face up on the ground.

"Never underestimate the power of a girl. The seconds you let you're guard down, she'll step up and take you down in two attacks." I gave him my hand to help him up out of respect, but he grabbed it and flung me behind him onto the ground. He stood up.

"Never underestimate the power of a boy. The second you let you're gaurd down, he'lls tep up and take you down in one attack." It was horrible how he took my own words and used them aganist me. He walked over to where he had flung me and picked me up by the collar of my shirt. "The next time you smart talk to me, Suzette, I promise you, it'll be much worse than this."

**How's that CN?**

Life goes on.
But I'm gone.
Cause I'll die without you.
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