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JF Ossan
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06-15-2010, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by YukisUke View Post
I just wouldn't feel right if my date payed for everything. I'm the type of woman that was taught not to depend on any man financially or otherwise. I feel that if I have the money to flaunt while we're out on a date, I'm gonna split the bill with you. But since it's Japan and the men were raised to be that way, I guess it wouldn't be a problem if he pays.
For the most part, when a man asks a woman on a date he WANTS to take her out, show her a good time, and treat her.

This is part of the male id. (as in id, ego, super-ego). If a man asks a woman out for a date and they have dinner, etc., and at the end of the meal she pulls our her wallet and says "So, how much do I owe you?" it would completely ruin the mood.

Ladies, understand. Men LOOK FORWARD to taking women they like out for dinner. This is why they work. We work to make money in order to be able to do things like this. This is what single men want to spend their money on. There is nothing more emasculating than a woman who refuses to let a man treat her like a women.

YukisUke, if you feel like you have to pay for a date once in a while, let the man know in advance. Tell him you want to take him to some place you really like. Still, this may be an uncomfortable situation for him. But if you give him the warning to mentally prepare for it, it may work out and his ego won't be too bruised.

Last edited by MMM : 06-15-2010 at 06:54 AM.
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