Please note: The answers highlighted in bold were questions that I asked my host mother for help with, but she can't speak English so I asked in Japanese.
Does this lower my score?
1. そうめん, right? Yummy!
2. Condensed?
3. むぎ茶 - I only know this because untill this weekend we constantly had お茶 in the fridge. I currently have a cup full aside my keyboard. Yum!
4. うなぎ - Eels are full of vitamins which help you feel healthy through the long summer days.
5. The heat quickly causes fresh fish to become unedible.
6. かきごおり?
7. 赤 黄色 みどり
8. 2nd, Same as English.
9. 水着
10. Tomato, おくら、 あさがお.
11. Because they can't work at school during the holidays so they work at home instead.
12. They would be
しゃてき, きんきょすくい and
わなげ but apparently theres lots more.
13. No. DST was created so farmers could make the most of their daylight, but since most farmers here farm rice which seems to tend to itself, there's no point...?
14. カブト虫 and くわがた haha. That was the hardest one to ask.