06-15-2010, 10:48 AM
My Name is Babs and I live on the south coast of England. Since I met a japanese lady who is studying here in England I have been interested in learning some japanese history and also the language although that is very slow progress. If I do try to download hiragano etc I need to know that will not mean losing my normal English ability.
I have not yet visited JAPAN although I hope to save enough money to do so some time.
I am keen to understand the culture also. wondering if modern japanese people are changing from those of the past as happens in most countries.
Now you have a new Prime Minister I wonder the effect on your country will be.
My other interests is music of all kinds-- art, animals, countryside, and writing and learning from books etc.
You may gather that I am from the older generation but I do hope that will not prevent my sharing with you on here.
best wishes, babs.