Thank you so much!
Excuse me, still I have a little doubt , because maybe with context it's better...
I would explain why I was indecise about the "人".
After this, they asked about other things, and at the end the reply was the comment I post yesterday. I thought when there was the comparison with the dog, "犬とかもそうですけど" that the example was about a child who has never been bullied will be friendly to people (the same as a dog who hasn't been ill-treated will be friendly to people).
So it goes on to say Takumi, because he's "pure", tries to love people, not in a romantic sense but maybe the way it's described makes him seem more like a 'puppy' that wants to be friends with everyone, "人" ?
「″恋は自分の想いが先に立つもの″という感じがしま す。その点、″愛は自分以上誰かを大切思えるかどうか ″。そこに尽きると思いますね。」
The feeling I get is that "passion is something that stands ahead of your own thoughts." On that spot, "love is whether or not you think dearly of someone above your own self". I think it here I'm exausted/consumed (??) "
- you say it so?
「AWAKE」で眠りから覚醒した匠は、その次に人に出会い� ��やがて人を思うようになるわけです。犬とかもそうで� ��けど、生まれてから一度も虐められたことの無い子は� ��懐っこいですよね? つまり、匠はここで着ている白 い服のように、まだ何にも穢されず、ピュアな状態なん ですよ。だから、人を愛そうとするんです」
"In "Awake" Takumi is awaken from his sleep, before long is thinking of the next time he will meet the people/ person. Much like a dog, after
he's born a child who is never once bullied is a kind (affable, amiable) person, right? In order words, like the white clothes Takumi is wearing, he's still not soiled by anything; he's totally pure. Therefore, he's a person to try to love.
―かつて、人や周囲を嫌いながら同時に自分のことも嫌 っていましたよね。ここに来て、やっと自分を肯定出来 るようになったということですか?
- once, you hate the people around ... etc.. etc..
(from the context, the complete discussion seems about something like, 'even if before you said that you want meet people friendly', once you dislike people') and not 'once you dislike a person') so maybe all the context it's about people in general?
What do you think about it?