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(#40 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
06-15-2010, 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by seiki View Post
Well if you are just friends not wanting anything more than to go out and have fun then both split the bill. Why would you pay for someone to see a movie or eat if you are just friends you would not do this with two straight males or females. Unless one of you needed money.
I disagree slightly with this. It's quite normal for friends to treat one another (or here it is anyway). Often I'd treat my friends to a movie or a meal, and recently my friends treat me because our financial situations have reversed. I still treat them when I can, and they me. Even when money isn't an issue it's nice to just treat someone to something, not because they particularly need it, but because they're your friend and you want to do something nice for them.

I'm not sure whether this is normal in Japan or not, but personally I see nothing wrong with paying for the other person every now and again, regardless of their gender.
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