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PockyMePink (Offline)
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06-15-2010, 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by Ettelie View Post
It says in the vid, that the real iPad is not being soled in China. Also chinese companies have been making similar devices for years, it is just now that they took advantage of the actual iPad design (the out side shell). Other then the outside looking reeeeeally similar, there is nothing wrong with them manufacturing such a thing : )
Other than the fact that most knock-offs are around the same price as the original device, and they usually end up not working, sure, nothing wrong with manufacturing it. Add in that a lot of knock-offs devices that hook up to a computer can contain viruses, they have untested batteries that can screw up or even explode, if they DO mess up you have no company to turn to in hopes of getting it fixed, they're low quality, touch screens usually never work, chargers may not work, etc, I'd advise people not to buy it. Some knock-offs work just fine, but more times than not they don't, and can even be dangerous.
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