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06-16-2010, 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by Kururugi View Post
Would watching Japanese children's programming, like PythagoraSwitch, be beneficial to my nephew?
Without any exposure in daily life? Not very. Plus, we`re talking about a baby. They should not be watching tv AT ALL until 2 or 3, and even then just barely. Don`t believe any of the educational tv hype - it`s never been proven to do anything other than slow development.
Once they are that age, then they might be able to pick up a word or two from things like Inai Inai Baa (Pythagora Switch is aimed at older kids)... But the thing is, without starting knowledge the talking on tv is just going to be background noise. To put it into perspective, try watching some shows in a language you know nothing of (have never studied, know 0 words in) - and see how hard it is to pick up things without confirmation and interaction.

Another good example would be that there are hours of English children`s programming on tv each day in Japan... Undoubtedly with countless children watching it to "pick up" English. Instead, they pick up a handful of words that aren`t pronounced correctly... And that`s if they`re lucky and are good at picking things up like that.

Which level JLPT would I need to complete to be considered competent to speak Japanese to a baby?
When you no longer think in terms of JLPT would be my answer.
The JLPT isn`t what matters when it comes to teaching the language to someone from scratch. You can be a horrible speaker, not be able to scrape a decent sentence together, have an appalling accent that native speakers cannot understand at ALL... And still pass the JLPT - possibly all the way up to 1. It measures a very thin slice of knowledge, and hopes that you have the rest. Unless things have changed since I took it, they don`t do a simple test of speaking even for JLPT1.

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