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honoraryjapanesegirl (Offline)
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06-16-2010, 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by caisaki View Post
a 2-year old boy, who is already obese, is smoking 40 sticks of cigarette per day! And his parents are giving it to him because he throws tantrums when he doesn't have his cigarettes! That is so awful for a toddler, shortening his life already.

Yeah, I saw this. This is terrible; what father would willingly give their kid cigarettes?! They either obviously don't know the effects cigarettes have on people, or they're just plain ignorant.

I also heard on the news that the government was trying to bribe the family to stop the kid with a new car, but they declined. I say someone needs to go to jail. That's just terrible...I'm just speechless from it...ugh...


~...Why must the different be cast away, be cast into a deep, dark pit of loneliness, being mocked and scorned as the the enemy...and eventually...become it...?~
~.::{Akatsuki Clan Member--Leader of California}::.~
~.::{Michiko Manami}::.~

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