mind is not working right now. I see how I came to the conclusions I did. SHADOW said that at the time of the whole remote control 'fiasco' (I'm just having fun with words.

) his friend referred to herself with a pronoun. However, "...The rest of the time its been their own name or 自分." therefore, I assumed that he was in the company of female friends, and my I continued to post with that in mind.
Also, thanks, steven for that last post.
Here's something mildly interesting...
I stayed with a host family during my last trip to Japan, and I spent plenty of time asking my host mom questions about the language.

I had learned to say おとこにひと, 'OtokonoSHito', but my host mom said that it should be pronounced 'Otokonohito', with a whispered 'h'. When I asked a Japanese friend I met up with later how she pronounced it, she agreed with the 'OtokonoSHito' version. Both people are from Tokyo and-I believe-are Tokyo natives.