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Tyrien (Offline)
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06-17-2010, 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
Yet you depend on society to live.
That's over reaching, isn't it?

Fine though, I'll make this super clear in hope that my words won't be taken incorrectly.

Any functional* adult living in a capitalist** society does not require marriage to provide financial independence within their lives.

Women do not require men to provide for them financially***; likewise men do not require women to prepare their meals or clean their homes.****.

*Of course I must exempt those with disabilities who are not able to care for themselves. Even then I only state this to avoid nitpicking. It is an irrelevant point when speaking of marriage in the context I originally quoted.

**For the purpose of this discussion we have only been speaking of capitalist societies that embrace marriage.

*** For all intents and purposes men and women are socially and economically equal in the modern capitalist society we are referencing in this topic. Though it is arguable on average women make less than men, it is a negligible difference when speaking of financial independence.

**** With strives in technological convenience it's entirely possible and not overtaxing to feed one's self and maintain a living environment.

This is counter to the original text I quoted from MMM. In that post MMM was inferring that men attempt to find a female mate by asserting a financially dominant role, and women try and find mates by showing they can cook and clean. (paraphrasing). This is incorrect (at least not dominant) in modern day and age.

Marriage and/or dating is far more of an emotional desire now than the financial desire it was then. While it's true those were the dominant desirable traits within a monogamous heterosexual relationship, they are not now. Those traits became desirable out of a need to procreate, or expand society.

Today when one looks for a partner the desired traits are subjective from person to person. While paying for the meal is a nice gesture, it is not a deal breaker for most people, I would even argue very few. Alternately the ability to cook or clean has become an trait that few are concerned about in today's day and age.


Now here's the problem with discussing topics that stem off a question of how people behave, or what the social standard is. We all see so many TV shows, movies, animes, video games, and read so many books, comics, mangas, novels, and stories that we delude ourselves into thinking we know for certain how people always behave, or what they want.

MMM's cultural experience has led him to believe a women's top concern when looking for a man is the ability to provide financial stability, and a man's top concern when looking for a women is the ability to cook and/or clean for him.

My cultural experience on the other hand has led me to believe otherwise, as stated above.

We can't claim a finite answer here, or even try and ballpark something as the most common. "answer" because we'll never know******. If we did then we wouldn't have discussions about what the "standard" is. We wouldn't have such issues dating or finding a mate.

***** I do not believe neuroscience will advance far enough to be able to provide a concrete answer to the question within any of our lifetimes, therefore; for the sake of this discussion I will say never.

As of 08/11/2008 5:33 PM Eastern Standard time I now officially own:
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