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(#3 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: South coast England
06-17-2010, 01:52 PM

domo arigoto for your kind information. my japanese friend is always giving us gifts although I ask her not to. Yes we help her a lot and enjoy doing so, but wish that she would save her money. We care about her a lot.anything we do we do out of love.

I read about the japanese "ON" this sense of obligation.

One book I read even said that a baby in the womb is born with obligations to all those who have gone before.

It does seem strange to me although of course we do give gifts on special occasions but do not expect something back unless its Christmas maybe.

I give things to show affection and appreciation but there is no sense of obligation. At least not for me.

Do you know of a recent publication that may be more up to date with modern Japan?

I often wonder about the trouble in 0kinawa over the American Base.

I have been trying to learn some basic hiragana and kana but rather slow progress. Japanese calligraphy is so beautiful and a real art.

I so admire the way children are taught the written language, difficult as it seems to be.

thanks again for your kindness. babs in UK.

We met a couple of charming students and they stayed here over christmas. They were so kind and thoughtful lovely girls who now have returned to Japan.
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