Thread: Hosto
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JF Ossan
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06-17-2010, 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
If he quit after only one day of that, was he unclear about the business he was trying to become part of. or were his expectations bordering on delusional? While those duties are not what he was looking for, they are customarily what the new guys are responsible for.

Like any business, there is a pecking order and when it involves any kind of sales, the new employee has to "learn the ropes" before being allowed to deal with customers. Can you imagine the legal liabilities the owners take with trainee hosts, aside from the risk of a foreigner accidentally running off customers before they have been around long enough to see how things really work?
I am sure his expectations were bordering on delusional. He wanted to be a star from day one, and soon realized that would not be the case. It wasn't nearly as glamorous a job as he expected.
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