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06-18-2010, 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by DewarHolmes View Post
I'm not sure if this was misunderstood, but the reason I wrote 'OtokonoSHito' with the emphasis on 'SH' is because I intended it to be read 'SHTO' rather than 'SHEETO'.
This is one of the reasons I dislike romaji... A ひ sound closer to a し would have made sense, but as was written seemed like you meant sheeto.

I'm kind of going off topic again , but can anyone tell me if the Japanese language is being mutilated as quickly as English? It's incredible, the rate at which English seems to be deteriorating. We've given new meanings to old words and perverted meanings; we've changed nouns to verbs; kids-and probably many adults-can't spell worth crap; we've developed stupid expressions like the one I just used; txting is rampant-and xtrmly the Japanese language suffering as badly?
There is no such thing as mutilation of language. Other than those that are disappearing (and not even then in many cases), there is no suffering going on.

Ask yourself - at what point was English "pure" and not filled with what you consider "deterioration"? At what stage can we say it is "perfect" and as it should forever remain?

Language evolves. A language that ceases to evolve is one that is falling out of use, and one that cannot evolve is pretty much doomed. Every year countless expressions come into and fall out of use, countless words are coined or have their meanings change, grammar norms change a bit more gradually but still at a constant pace. Trying to stop this is pointless and a bit silly, really.

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