Don't waste your money... -
06-19-2010, 07:27 AM
There are PLENTY of (FREE) online resources, or even Rosetta Stone (for a fraction of that tuition price).
If you count the days I've been studying Japanese by hours I've spent less than 12 hours and I can say basic words/write simple phrases/write simple sentences. I've finished Hiragana, moving to Katakana next then tackling Kanji.
All you'd really need is a base and an SRS, there are people who have studied in schools for years and can barely speak compared to the amount of YEARS invested.
I know a guy who took to the online method and, no lie, learned to speak NATIVE-LEVEL Japanese in just 4 months. He now lives and works in Japan, he's in his 20's and started at 23. No he's no genius...just a regular guy who took learning Japanese seriously.
Let me know if you're interested I could point you towards some sources.
Good luck with everything.
Your King,
Lelouch vi Britannia