That picture is so poor quality that it's impossible to make out the name in the upper-left corner.. but.. I don't think you should be spending time reading Pokémon names, or rather, I don't think you'll gain very much by it.
As closely as I can make out, the upper-left says Giratina (first kana is completely blurred, but I was "saved" by the textbox at the bottom) and the "friendly" Pokémon is called Goukazaru. I can't tell if that little.. "blip" in the first kana is a dakuten or if it's just how they're drawing that kana. If it's not a dakuten, then of course it becomes Ko instead of Go. And maybe Sa instead of Za.
If you could grab a screenshot with better quality, I think that would help a lot. These Pokémon are too "new" for me, so I don't recognize them off-hand either..