The last sentence:
やせいの ギラティナの
Yasei no girathina no
genshi no chikara! (I was not very sure about 'ke' or 'ge' but I searched for it on a list of attacks

Sometimes you just need to know words, 'chikara' means 'power', 'girathina' is the name of the pokemon written in katakana, 'no' is the possesion particle. (I'm not very good at Japanese so I'll search for the other words

Ok, so 'genshi no chikara' is 'ancient power' (lol from this site
List of moves in other languages - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia)
'Yasei' = Wild And with 'no' it's connected to 'Girathina'
So in this case it's literally:
'Wild Girathina's Ancientpower!
And so it's 'Wild Girathina used Ancientpower' (in the English version)
I recommend practicing with this site:
Learn the Japanese Language Online -
It helps you with reading syllables, how to recognise them and see the difference between them
But I'm not the pro here, so someone else will give you a better answer probably
It's getting late here so I'm off
ps: I hope this was all right O_o. If not, correct me