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(#34 (permalink))
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kunitokotachi (Offline)
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Location: 米国の何処だろう?
06-21-2010, 06:21 AM

Originally Posted by CoryInJapan View Post
I agree to an extent, because there are to Manny corrupt cops..Not necessarily that they break the law...But they're morals and way of handling things lack to compassion for people as they used to in the good ol days.I'm talking about pre-70's era.

Now cops throw around they;re power more often than not when its not necessary.

There still are good cops out there, I think that was a little extreme to kick him out just because he is a cop.
1. I'm a little interested in your definition of corrupt? Can you elaborate?

2. Pre-70's era was the good ol days? Not even close. Policing used to be so out of control that a 14th amendment was needed to incorporate the protection guaranteed in the bill of rights and applied to state law enforcement. It was thought before this that the safeguards in the US Constitution only applied to federal law enforcement so at that time federal law enforcement officers could ask state and local officers to do searches for them without probable cause.

3. "Now cops throw around they;re power more often than not when its not necessary." Are you really sure about this one? You know there is something called the "Steps of de-escalation?" It's a guideline that explain what level of force is necessary for each situation. However, steps can be skipped depending on the situation at hand. There isn't a one size fits all when it comes to this.

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