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TalnSG (Offline)
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06-21-2010, 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
Now that I think about it, your writing does give off a somewhat intimidating tone.
I could imagine adding a stern facial expression would add to that effect.
Hmm, I really don't intend to intimidate (most of the time ), but I know it happens when I comment on serious subjects - especially ones I feel strongly about. There's a reason my mentors steered me toward debate in school and then suggested the legal professions. I have learned to temper it with a definite wicked grin or questioning raised eybrow rather than stern glares, but that doesn't always come through in text. Guess I need to keep working on that.

Generally, I act the same, with the few exceptions in that I interrupt more conversations and ignore people more often online. I do believe in only writing what I would say in real life.
It's not only a shock, but sometimes rather irritating when you meet someone in person after reading their posts for a while and they are a completely different person.

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