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JF Ossan
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06-23-2010, 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
In my experience it's mostly out of desire rather than necessity. Most (western) women I know are intelligent and tertiary educated and like to work if for no other reason than they find being a housewife one of the most boring things imaginable. Although they have to take some maternity leave after having a kid most I know can't wait to get back into the workforce. My own wife took about 6 months off work after we had our daughter but being at home all day being a mum was driving her nuts. She got back into work as soon as we could get our girl into day care.

I certainly have no feelings of having to be the provider simply because I'm male. I could think of nothing better than having a successful, rich wife who could keep me in a life of leisure!!

This does contrast quite starkly though to my Japanese friends. There does seem to be much more of an acceptance here by women to fulfill a more traditional role of housewife and stay at home mum than amongst western women I know.
You know, it really just depends. I know women that are looking forward to going back to work....once their kids are in school fulltime, or once their kids are old enough to take care of themselves after school (about junior high). For some women I know the idea of day care is repulsive. They don't want to miss the first steps or first words or want strangers spending more time with their children than them.

I am not saying one way is right and one is wrong, but there are different ways of approaching the issue.

Originally Posted by YukisUke View Post
I know I'm a little off subject here but.... those terms that you used (id, ego, super-ego) were in my psychology class. That was the best class I ever took. Love it!!!

As for the date thing, I'll definitely give him a warning whenever I want to pay.
He'll appreciate that.
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