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06-23-2010, 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
I'm assuming it's hard for credit card companies to hand out cards to foreigners who may or may not be permanant. I couldn't even get an ETC card! Yikes!
Of course you couldn`t get an ETC card. You need a credit card to get one. The ETC card is linked directly to your credit card - when you go through the ETC gate it is charged directly to your credit card.
No credit card, and there is nowhere to charge the ETC fee to, so no ETC card. It`s just an extension of your credit card that can only be used for ETC.

EDIT: I just realized, I have no idea if JCB have ATMs or not. I assume they do but I'd check with more experienced people on that one.
JBC is a credit card, linked to various banks... Just like a Visa. But it`s not quite as major, and it is harder to find places that accept it. It isn`t a bank, so I can`t imagine there would be any ATMs. It would be kind of like looking for a "Visa" ATM.

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