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StueyT (Offline)
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Arriving in work on time - 06-24-2010, 12:22 PM

I didn't know what else to call this, sorry haha.

Basically, I'm writing a diary in Japanese so I can practice more. What I have tried to write, 95% from what I already know/think I know, is that I have work today, but I woke up late. Despite this, I arrived at the office on time because I ran.
I have come up with 2 versions:

今会社にいる。今朝、疲れたから遅く起きたが走ったか ら会社に時間どおり着いた。

今会社にいる。今朝、疲れたから遅く起きたが走ったか ら会社に遅くなかった。

Are any/both of them correct? Also, and it may be a basic question, but when it comes to saying I'm at work now, would you use いる usually? Or would you typically use another form?


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