Thread: Working out
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Sander (Offline)
New to JF
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Working out - 06-25-2010, 08:24 AM

Sooo.. this might seem like a weird request but here goes anyway...
I will be traveling to Japan(for the second time) next week for about 3ish weeks and have a question regarding Gyms.... I work out quite alot(roughly 5-7 times a week) and (this might seem strange to some but) the thought of going 4 weeks without proper work out sessions is not something I relish.. So Ive been browsing the web for some information and have come to the conclusion that there are loads of work out facilites all across Japan... I have even located Gyms in the cities I plan to visit.

However I haven't really found anything regarding prices(for drop ins), or how I handle this pratically(Do I just enter a random Gym and ask if I can work out, or do I have to fill in a form of some sort, do I need my passport... yeah, you get the picture)

I don't speak any japanese outside the phrases in the Lonely Planet book, and although one of my companions is fluent I highly doubt he will join me..

So if any of you have any experience regarding gyms or working out in japan i highly appreciate any advice or tip you are willing to share... I know this might sound like odd questions but I just thought it wouldnt hurt asking in a forum about Japan :P
Anyways, cheers for your time


Last edited by Sander : 06-25-2010 at 08:49 AM.
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