Thread: Breakup Revenge
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Kayci (Offline)
The odd Gaijin :3
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06-26-2010, 09:32 PM

my revenge is keeping his shit. and selling it when he's demanding I send it to him.

don't have the money, its his shamisen and jacket. so they are bye bye. besides. he came back to cali. he was supposed to get it, i gave him two addresses, and three numbers to call because i would be with my friend.


then he starts a bullshit war with me over email, and then lies about me to my current boyfriend?

yeah. not getting his stuff back. :3

oddly enough, i met him on this site...

I taunted him once after....or twice.

sometimes thinking about him still pisses me off, the shit he pulled. ah well. good riddance to garbage.

Coffee prevents me from killing you.
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