Thread: World Cup!!
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06-27-2010, 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Also you can say the keeper was really good... or the US attack was just shit. I with you and I too say the keeper was really good but I dont think that you can say "If it wasnt for that damn keeper we would have won" is all I'm saying.
What is it with you people. First Noodle says I'm English because I bashed Englands team like an English football fan (don't know if I should take it as an insult or a compliment) and you think of me as an American.

Ghana's attackers did their job well, both goals were beautiful, but through the game US pressure on Ghana was much bigger then Ghana's and both times when Ghana was leading they turned defensive, relying on counterattacks. They had chances to score more, but they poorly used them, only few posed threats to the US. Like it or not Ronin, but that's how I see it. Their goalie did a fine job and I consider him as one the main reasons why US lost.

Originally Posted by RazerKill View Post
Where are all your cameras now FIFA? Too busy showing advertisements? Between suing the "bavariagirls" personally, the randomness of the ball and still no replays used, what the f**k is the FIFA paid for.
'Baviagirls'? Really?

England had a whole half-time ahead of them in which they could at least tied the score, but they didn't. Disallowed goal or not, Germany proved they're the better team and there no point in crying about that.
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