Thread: World Cup!!
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06-28-2010, 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Yeah I think thats a about a fair assessment. When I say the better team won on the day I meant in the context of that particular game only. The fact is that the US are a damn good team and often underrated in the minds of soccer mad countries despite the US team making pretty good showings and even upsetting a few of them. (Im looking at England with regard to this World cup and Spain in the Confederations cup where the US knocked them out)
I am not qualified to say which is a better team, but in the US we say "Any given Sunday" which is short for "Any given Sunday any team can beat any team if the circumstances are right." I am not saying the wrong team won (though it wasn't the team I wanted to win).

We also say "That's why they play the game."
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