I cant sit still about this shit -
06-30-2010, 05:43 PM
I gota be original this time i want to go with medical precision on this one my inspiration is 7th seat Yamada Hanatarou.
Name:Ensho (heat wave)
Release:Burn 'em
Zanpakutou: A neon red zanpakutou with a white weave in the handle wrap
Shikai: When released Ensho becomes a halberd slightly bigger than the wielder maybe by six or seven inches a spiral shaft and the axe part extends towards the hands by a foot more then usual the blade is black with red blood groves and a clear pommel stone centered in between a four tower style pommel grip
Ability: Ensho has the ability to release a heat wave from its blade. When caught by the heat wave the opponent will come down with a mild case of heat exhaustion the syptoms: nausea,dizziness, and a migrane these effects can slow down even the toughest opponent. less and less the more powerful they are.
Bankai: Gurande Ensho (Grand heat wave): The halberd molds to the body as guantlets and greaves that are silver with a crimson trim spikes on the fists. Their not much to look at but must people don't realize this wielder is a martial artist these things are lethal in his hands.
Ability: After three strikes from the armor pieces the opponent will come down with heatstroke and the more the opponent gets hit the faster and more powerful his illness becomes.
Effects of heatstroke:
1. Fever
2. sever cramps
3. fast breathing- which in turn depending on the person will lead to hyperventilation
4. vomiting- this leads to dehydration which is potientially lethal
Water Pills-this shinigami carries water pills with him into battle becuase they increase the killing potiential of his zanpakuto if he can get his opponent to eat one. what they do is hydrate you for a second then drain you of the water you already had exposing you twice as much to the heat around you
Shikai- The opponent will pass out.
Bankai- The opponent will go into massive convulsions which is lethal.. in other words the victim will literally throw up their insides and die in their own vomit brutal i know but true.
weakness- keep your self cool and or drink lots of water as you fight and the effects won't do much but leave you with a headache
Last edited by RandomGenuis : 07-31-2010 at 09:38 PM.