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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
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07-01-2010, 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by Sashimister View Post
No, it shouldn't. I'm tired of reading your complaints.

I've never received medical treatment in Japanese in your country. Why should you receive it in English in mine?
I have had just about enough of your aspersions on my character, sir.

For all the negativity you accuse others of, I have not once seen you acknowledge that Japan is 1) increasingly a legitimate destination for immigrants or 2) a country with its own set of issues and problems, many of which can be worse for those that choose to immigrate. And I was expressing a preference anyhow, not mandating some sort of legal requirement. You seem incapable of seeing the difference between the two.

I'm not even sure why you would make a comment such as you did. For one thing, English is not the official language of the United States of America. We have no official language. And if we did, it wouldn't have been English. As surprising as you might find this, it would have been German (in a vote, None came in first, German came in second, English came in third).

Second, most communities in America try awfully hard to provide resources for major minority languages in those communities. In Texas, it will be Spanish, in Vermont it will be French. In various cities, you will even find Korean or Vietnamese. In certain places, it will even be Japanese. In communities where a major minority language exists, there will be medical personnel, at least nurses, probably even a few doctors that speak that language.

And thirdly, have you ever received medical care at all in the United States? Any one of the States? And have you searched for a Japanese speaking doctor? Because I assure you that doctors of Japanese descent who speak Japanese are not that rare, especially in certain areas of certain States. Dallas, Texas, as an example, has a significant Japanese population, has Japanese schools, and publishes an area newspaper in Japanese. In places like California or New York, you search would be even easier.

You seem to believe all foreigners are "temporary guests" who should not express any opinions, political, cultural, or otherwise for fear that we might upset your tender sensibilities. I'm afraid that the increasing number of immigrants to Japan, the falling birthrate, and the aging population all lead to a country that must accept immigration for survival.

This is the last time I will engage your peanut gallery commentary.

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