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(#2 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
07-01-2010, 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by live2love View Post
I believe that in every country, there is some sort of racism going on. But I've been hearing from people that the Japanese have been racist to them while others argue that this is not true. I would just like to know in what ways have Japanese people been racist to you, if you have experienced some racial discrimination or something like that while living in Japan.

I personally have not experienced anything blatantly negative. Just typical stereotypes and assumptions about Westerners. I have heard of people being treated in a discriminatory fashion, but just as you have said, racism and bigots exist everywhere in the world and Japan is no exception. That being said though, I would say there is nothing generally or at least outwardly racist about how most Japanese treat foreigners.
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