Thread: World Cup!!
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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07-01-2010, 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Ahh, he's back! Evidently you still don't read the English I type.
First of all, I didn't say your perception was wrong, I said Jason was right in a SENSE.
Evidently YOU dont read the English you type.

You didnt say Jason was right in a sense. Look at where I quoted you.

Consider yourself owned. (again)

And wait a second, are you telling me it's okay for you to say my perception is wrong because I'm part of a minority (which btw, I would like to know how you figured that out! Does bitter media dictate the feelings of the people?).
I didnt say your perception was wrong. Im saying that its your perception.

Secondly, if you wanted this to be between you and Jason, you should've gone to PM's. When someone agrees to disagree with you, it doesn't mean the conversation is over, it just means you're too thick headed for them to be bothered to re-write and/or reason with you! That however, doesn't mean someone else can't try to enlighten you
That MIGHT be true if we were discussing facts or figures or if a process of reasoning was involved. Since we are purely discussing perceptions then agreeing to disagree is a perfectly fine way to end the conversation.

And on that note I think Im going to end this conversation.

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