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Rikku777 (Offline)
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04-05-2007, 01:49 AM

Reality. A blast of wind hit my face, bringing me back to reality. I looked up, two of the men were running in for the attack. 'Get up,' I told myself, 'Go and fight, girl!' I stood shakily to my legs, grabbed my keyblade and took a deep breath. 'Here goes,' I thought, seeing Meggis glance back when he saw me get up. I smiled at him, he still looked confused, then started running for an attack. If I could distract him, then the other two could complete their side attack, then Meggis could follow up with a direct frontal assult, hopefully giving damage and defeating him. I ran straight at the monster, then dove under his left arm, comeing up behind him, jumping and swinging my keyblade at his head, flipping his helmet around. But he was quick, even though blind, he flung his keyblade back, pinning my right shoulder into the wall. A quick shudder of pain flashed through me, then nothing. I grimaced and looked down at my shoulder, a dark light was swirling around my shoulder, pinning me to the wall, paralyzing me.
"Consolor," I looked up as I heard him whisper the attack in a deep throaty growl. I pushed against the wall, but I was froze. "Tenebrae," he spoke again, and I stared in horror. A dark energy swirled around me, slowly, very slowly, I could feel my energy slipping away. I closed my eyes, trying to fight, but completely helpless.

Last edited by Rikku777 : 04-05-2007 at 04:16 AM.
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