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(#53 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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07-02-2010, 03:23 PM

Originally Posted by Shizu View Post
on phone? O_O but... how can they get the mobile phone's number? o.O"
re mobile phone bullying. I guess at some point a person allows others to know their mobile number-- this is often school children that do this.

We see items on the news about it and where some children are almost driven to suicide-- but they need to talk to a responsible adult.

I wonder HOw japanese teachers deal with bullies in the school/

Is it best for a bullied child to keep quiet and not tell anyone or really should the school be told and do something about it.

Often if a child TELLS-- then that can make the bullying even worse.

FAcebook and twitter and similar networking can easily cause problems.

I feel its best not to give out too much information on the net-- because anyone can read it.

There needs to be care with privacy.

We were all called names when we were kids-- Now we hear of knives in school and kids being killed. I don't understand why this happens in UK.

I hope that sort of thing doesn't happen in Japan. In the old days naughty children could be caned-- but not any more.

Teachers are not allowed to discipline their pupils-- which ties their hands. Inlife there has to be some form of discipline and respect for others. So kids can take advantage of others.
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