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(#54 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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07-02-2010, 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by Sashimister View Post
How would those guys be so different from people like you who complain about things Japanese all day every day? Haters are haters. At least they have the guts to do it using loud speakers out on the street and you don't.

I have no respect for foreigners like you, none, who can't even start to read or write the country's language after having lived here for several years. And you weren't forced to live in Japan unwillingly, either. I do actually see a kind of racism in the line of thinking that we should learn English but you don't have to learn Japanese or that we do things just the way you do Down Under so you have an easier time living here.
I don't complain about things Japanese all day every day. I love living here. I love this country and have made it my home. I've invested in real estate and business here and had my daughter here. But you are obviously one of these people I was referring to in my quote you decided to comment on. You don't tolerate criticism of this country especially by foreigners, as though we have no right to voice an opinion simply because we are foreigners. This in itself is a form of racism and intolerance.
I use what mediums are available to voice my opinion. I don't have a bus with loudspeakers. And frankly it doesn't take guts as you put it to drive around spewing out messages of hatred and intolerance when there are no consequences for doing so.
I've come up against comments like yours many times in the past. This ridiculous idea that if I find so many bad things in this country why do I live here. It's ridiculous because wherever I live I'm sure I'd find many issues I didn't agree with. I know I did in Australia. It doesn't mean I don't love the place, it just means it's not perfect and I believe things could be improved. Sure you may not agree with me and that's fine. But this idea that we shouldn't be free to discuss issues purely because we are foreigners is ridiculous.
And where the hell did you get this idea that any of us foreigners want the Japanese to learn more english? I for one am not an english teacher and couldn't care less how much english the Japanese do or don't learn. I've actually been quite surprised at the amount of people who do speak some english and the amount of signage in english. I find it quite surprising.
And I didn't move to live in this country hoping to make the Japanese people do things more like we do down under. An utterly ridiculous comment. I have certain beliefs about universal basic human rights and racism that have nothing to do with the country I'm from. I certainly don't think Australia is better than here or that Japan is better than Australia. They are different and both countries have problems and issues like every country on this planet.
Such problems and issues can only get better through discussions and debate and listening to others, especially those who come with a different perspective than you're used to.
Anyway I have no respect for Japanese like you who can't contribute to discussions criticising things in Japan. Do you think that everything in this country is completely perfect and any criticism of it only deserves your scorn? As much as I love living here I certainly don't think everything is perfect and I believe that open discussion that looks at many different viewpoints is important for this country. Unfortunately many Japanese like yourself only seem to want to stifle any discussion and debate.

Last edited by GoNative : 07-02-2010 at 04:09 PM.
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