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SSJup81 (Offline)
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07-03-2010, 12:11 AM

I've yet to experience any racism or discrimination and I hope it stays that way. That aside, it seems it's mostly ignorance anyway due to fact that Japan doesn't have much exposure to other cultures. Personally, I find it ironic that what most people consider "racist", I don't at all since I see it more so being curious or just having lack of knowledge. Back home, when I told my Japanese teacher about how m family has an Easter meal, she assumed that meant that my family will be dining on fried chicken. She didn't say it in a joking way or a mean way...she actually seemed curious about it and I guess was basing that assumption on a stereotype. That I can excuse...not the racism or discrimination fueled entirely by hatred, that's what I consider true racism. Those that hate you or treat you as if you are inferior to them. That's what I consider real racism...not people who have little exposure to those outside of other Japanese who can only go by stereotypes.

I've been asked where I'm from before, but that never bothered me either, and why it would bother some is beyond me. One guy was walking his dog, and I was walking home. I make it a habit to try and say hi to people with dogs since they're cute and I like to pet them. Anyway, this guy asked where I was from, and I told him America. He thought I meant South America and asked if I was from Brazil. I was like, nope, America. North America. He seemed shocked that I wasn't from South America and I guess it's because I'm black and because of my hair. I wasn't offended, but I did find the exchange interesting there. I've come across a couple of others who thought I was from maybe Central America or South America too.
Originally Posted by willgoestocollege View Post
I came across a video on youtube about racism in Japan from a youtuber called flipflopping who has been living in Japan for about seven years with his family from the US. Part one was about the word "gaijin" and how he is offended by it but for people who live or been to Japan, do you find the word gaijin negative? Part two is the video I want to show you guys.
I actually don't find the word "gaijin" or "gaikokujin" offensive because I technically am a "gaijin". I mean, I'm not a citizen of the country or anything. I'm a foreigner and in a nutshell, that's what gaijin refers to, an outsider of Japan (a person who is foreign to Japan). IMO, some people get way too bent out of shape over that term. I'm sure they think nothing of it when they may use the term "foreigner" in their home countries.

As for the video you linked, this guy seems to be making a mountain out of a molehill. I'm black and tall and I still haven't been treated the way he apparently has. I've gotten stares, but that's to be expected anyway going to such a country. I've seen kids glance my way, but yeah, I already expected that, especially with the way my hair is fixed (braided). I've never had people go out of their way to cross the street to get away from me, nor have I ever had people move away from me on the trains or the buses if I wanted to sit down. People have been nothing but extremely friendly to me...VERY friendly. A complete stranger actually drove me to the doctor's office last week because I couldn't walk there. I went to her shop to ask if I could use her phone to call a taxi, but she insisted that she drive me herself. You can't get much nicer than that.

Anyway...maybe it's still just the honeymoon phase since I haven't been here as long as some here.
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