07-03-2010, 01:10 AM
At the end of the day you have to understand that I didn't come to live in Japan because I knew anything about or had much of a love for Japanese culture or it's people. And I had zero language skills when my wife and I arrived. I came to live here because skiing is my greatest passion in life and Hokkaido gets some of the most abundant and best quality powder snow on the planet. I lived for a time in Canada as well for the same reason. If you really love snow and skiing Australia isn't the greatest place to live. The natural world, landscapes and weather have always been more important to me than cultures and people. I have travelled the world to climb and ski mountains.
Up here in Hokkaido I have found an idyllic sort of life able to combine my greatest passions by working in a ski resort. I've invested heavily in the region and have a business that hires a few Japanese people. I do iaido and kendo, am part of a conservation group and have made many friends in the local community. I've never been happier in my life. Is not speaking fluently really holding me back that much?