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Koir (Offline)
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07-03-2010, 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
さっそくですが、ひとつ えいごのしつもんが ありま す
Id like to know how to use "ish"... Can you help me?
I heard people (at a pub in Walthamstaw,England) using "ish" a lot in their conversation. I mean I learnt words like... childish,selfish... but never heard nor used just "ish" as one word.

にほんごのしつもんも たのしみに おまちしています
Hope I'm not being rude in answering here...

Using "ish" in that way is meant to add a level of uncertainty to a word. It is, to my thinking, a relatively new way to express a feeling in English.


"After the incident at the office, a good cup of coffee and a bagel made me feel okay-ish."

The person speaking is describing their feelings after an unpleasant occurance. He/she felt better after having a coffee and a bagel, but not fully "okay". So "ish" is added to show he/she is still uncertain about how they feel.

Hope that is of some help, and apologies if I offended anyone.

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