Originally Posted by sarvodaya
Hi, sarvodaya. I’m Yuri.
Nice to meet you.
Let me introduce myself.
I’m a housewife, used to work as a pharmacist.
I live in Kasawaki city, Kanagawa prefecture.
I love dancing. When I was a student, I practiced Karate. (Kyokushin, of course! What’s yours?)
My grandfather, my uncle and my cousins are Buddhist priests.
I’ve been studying English for many years, but still have a lot of difficulties writing and speaking English.
I'm looking to start learning Japanese — right from the basics — preferably from a native speaker.
How are you going to study Japanese besides with this forum? I mean, will you go to a Japanese conversation school, or study by yourself?
I’d like to help you, but I don’t see how I can help you specifically.
Will you ask questions here? My answering your questions will be enough?
I believe you would like to study polite Japanese, so If you want, I will write here in polite (kind of formal, but not too formal) Japanese. Is this OK with you?
I would like to conduct the exchange purely within this thread so others can learn by observation and comment.
If you don’t mind, could you give me one correction of my English in this post? (Which expression do you think to be worst in what I wrote today?)
Thank you. See you soon!