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ayumiyuu (Offline)
Satan's Bitch
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07-04-2010, 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by Shizu View Post
In Hungarian the word 'baka' means 'soldier' in slang.
We usually use this word for young soldiers, who just joined to the military.

This is funny, I think. We in Hungarian usually play our language, and in Japanese there are any word which pronunciation is the same like one of our words.
Other examples, there is a Japanese name 'Shou' (for example in the alice nine), and if you say it out, the pronunciation is the same like our word for salt. (in Hungarian: só)

The other word, I think you know that Japanese word: seme
Now, if you say this out loud, in Hungarian it's sound like 'someone's eyes'.
And we have a special phrase in Hungarian about eyes, and if somebody know the meaning of the Japanese 'seme' this phrase's meaning become a bit...funny and somehow nasty.
So we usually laugh a lot because of these.

Hhheeheh...NICE....and what about 'Saga' eh?? (guitarist of alice nine) hungarian the pronounciation of 'Saga' is the same like the word for 'someone's smell' (hungarian: szaga)
hehehehh funny, isn't it??
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