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PockyMePink (Offline)
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07-05-2010, 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by mrpawn View Post
yea i'd have to agree with you for the most part. M Night was probably going for the different race thing like in the animated series, but since the animated series deals mostly with different races within the asian people, he probably thought to relate it to the world, but went in the wrong way. The main problem being him not thinking of the air nation and water nation being different nations, or it not mattering. Instead he made the water tribe white and aang white. he probably was being pressured into stronger diversification so he hired a famous person of another ethnicity: Dev Patel. So then he cast him as prince zuko and made the fire nation dark skinned and it all went down hill.

As for M Night Shyamalan saying he's not racist because he's indian, I think thats crap. anyone can be racist. not just whites. thats completely insane. you dont get a get out of jail free card just for being darker skinned.

My main reason for being angry at the whole racism thing is that its only racist if you think it is now. Its not like he's paying dev patel less, or the white actors more. He picked his cast originally based on their acting abilities. chances are he didnt mean anything against any races. people. its only racist of you make it out to be.
They're not fully white is the difference between the water and air nations. Water is a mix of inuit, russian, and white (russian and white comming from the Northern Water Tribe, which is where Katara, Sokka, and Gran Gran come from), and air is a mix of many half-white races. The reason for air being so mixed is, first off, because Noah himself looks like a mix of races, plus if you put it into the perspective of Avatar kids from all over the world are being brought to the temples to become monks. Since they come from all over the world, there's bound to be some kind of mix in them.

The people who think it's racist, their words wore off after a while. But now, the same people are saying "I'M GLAD THERE WERE NO ASIANS BECUASE THIS MOVIE SUCKED! I'D HATE FOR AN ASIAN TO BE IN SUCH A HORRIBLE MOVIE! YOU SPARED THEM NIGHT! HAHAHA!" They just sound butt-hurt imo.
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