Originally Posted by PockyMePink
They're not fully white is the difference between the water and air nations. Water is a mix of inuit, russian, and white (russian and white comming from the Northern Water Tribe, which is where Katara, Sokka, and Gran Gran come from), and air is a mix of many half-white races. The reason for air being so mixed is, first off, because Noah himself looks like a mix of races, plus if you put it into the perspective of Avatar kids from all over the world are being brought to the temples to become monks. Since they come from all over the world, there's bound to be some kind of mix in them.
Are you talking about the movie?
The anime is almost entirely influenced by East Asian culture. And the majority of that is Chinese. Only the Inuit looking, Southern water tribe is the exception.
It sounds like Shyamalan re-imagined the world which I suppose takes care of the racial controversy but then a whole other controversy arises.
First of all to fans it is blasphemy. I mean how would Batman fans feel if Gotham city resembled Miami rather than New York in the next Batman movie. Perhaps an exaggerated analogy but you see my point I hope.
Second of all it raises the question... why?
Finally, if Shyamalan hadnt reimagined the world or toned down the Asian influence present in the cartoon, the racial controversy would still be a valid concern I think. To show you how I would like to ask you the question.
If the main characters of Lord of the Rings were a mix of Africans or Asians... would that effect your experience of it in any way?
To me it would. A world based on European folklore with Africans or Asians running about the place would make the world unbelievable.
That doesnt make me racist.. It makes me closed minded sure... But I dont mind being closed minded when it comes to my
imagining of how a people should look in a particular type of imagined world.