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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Feb 2010
07-05-2010, 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by sarvodaya View Post
Thank you; I have now been named!
Oh, would you like to be called サルボダヤさん?
If you like it I (we) will call you so, but...
I guess it sounds a little too long (too many syllables maybe?)...mmm... let me think...
oh actually,let US think! I'd like to ask YuriTokoro (I call her ゆりPさんor ゆりさん) and
Sashimister(He is called like...組長(くみちょう),SMおじさん and I call him SM先生 or 教授)!
My (yumyumtimtam) nickname here has got shorten or totally different even!)
ゆりさん calls me ヤムさん and SM教授 calls me こいさん,ヤムやん,etc.
3 of us chat there often in Japanese.
ゆりさん and SM教授 are very intelligent
I have been learning a lot of things from them!

I am very happy to meet you too サルボダヤさん!

Well... back to your nick name...
I thought we could call you サルさん, but...サルmeans...(do you know the meaning?)
I like サル very much though!(I love any kinds of animals)


Actually, I searched (should I say googled? but I didn't use google!) the word sarvodaya.
I didn't know anything about it, but now I am very much interested!
Am I right to understand that "sarvodaya" means "the welfare/happiness of all" in Sri Lankan language?
You like to ask as well!
サルボダヤさん、sorry I didn't quite understand...this.
Did you mean that I like to ask you how you are?
softball, dodge-ball, basketball and tig. You just transliterate them directly!
I didn't know you call おにごっこ tig, I was told that it was called tag, but that's American way isn't it?
I didn't know this word "transliterate" I only knew "translate".
Nonetheless, it all sounds quite idyllic! In any case, it's never too late to start.
そう いって くださって うれしいです。

おそすぎる ということは ないですね!
私(わたし)も そう おもいます!

(Would you like me to write these in English too?
or you will enjoy tackling?

Gosh, that was brave!
Well... I think I was young so I wasn't afraid and I tend to believe in people very easily...
I guess I could have been in a big trouble.I was just lucky.ほんとうは あぶないこと ですね。

I'm glad to help with mistakes, and if we don't make mistakes we can't learn, so don't worry!
はい 私も そう おもいます!
I'm glad you had such a good visit, I'd love to hear more some time. It was a very good idea to get a feel for the daily life amongst the hoi polloi in that way.
hoi polloi ! I went to Greece too!
As I was explaining to Yuri, I'm right at the beginning of my studies, and I don't have many useful questions yet,
but if you can just give me a couple of basic sentences in the beginning, I'll be happy. We can then see if some questions arise from that.
No worries (do you use this in England too? I just came back from Australia 6days ago!)
I wrote some Japanese as you see but if you feel it's too much or too less, please let me know.
Feel free to carry on asking, even if it is not balanced in the beginning,
because I will certainly have a great many more questions later on once I'm a bit more advanced.
Thank you so much!
Im looking forward to tackling to your questions!

サルボダヤさん、また 質問(しつもん)が あります 。
I am not sure when to use "so", I mean Thank you "very" much or Thank you "so" much.
I was told not to say Thank you "so" much but "very" much (at an English school in Australia).
The teacher didn't explain why because at that time my English wasn't good enough to understand the complicated things.

Now I'm going to sleep!
Oh Im sorry, サルボダヤさ~ん! My story was too long wasn't it?
I do that... talking too much. That's my problem!

Well, I think I should go to bed too, it's quarter to 3!

おやすみなさい m(_ _)m
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