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Mackan (Offline)
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Location: Sweden, Malmoe
A spot of trouble, please assist. - 07-05-2010, 06:06 PM

I have made reservations to a trip to Tokyo tomorrow actually, going from Copenhagen, transferring by Amsterdam to Narita airport.

Here is the pickle, I tried to make reservations to a hotel but my card (VISA) gets a decline becasue it lacks the capacity to pay for 13 days and I wanted to pay in cash upon arrival

I hate paying with my card over the net, I simply do not trust it. The problem is I made the reservation over a week ago and they decide to decline me one day before I go! If they had gotten to me earlier I might have been able to arrange something by my bank.

Do anyone have any tips on hotels (capsule or whatever) were I can just show up, get a room and pay cash. I simply couldnĀ“t get through all the paperwork needed in one single day so basically I go on cash for now.

Please advise

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