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(#9 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
07-06-2010, 07:21 AM

Maybe she meant かにちくわ? or the almighty hyrbrid こんにちハーロー?

Honestly though, don't some Japanese write it that way too sometimes (こんにちわ)?
こんにちわ と こんにちは - 国語 - 教えて!goo

I think it's obvious which one is correct (to a Japanese, at least), but there is a bit of flavor to saying わ instead of は.

I have to say though... I don't have much experience with websites, but I can say that in my experience, the next best thing to talking to real Japanese was watching movies and hearing the language (which i'm sure you can do on youtube for FREE). You're not gonna understand it at first, and you have to get over that, but you ears will eventually get used to the language and your brain will start making sense of it. I don't think learning a language should cost a whole lot of cash... I think there are definitely (more effective) ways around that. When I say movies, I don't mean cartoons by the way... and now that I think about it, I'd actually place TV shows on top of movies for studying practice as the topics are usually less complicated.
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