everyone who has watch the news should have noted that there were 3 dive site, however the south korean military claim there was only 2, contradicting what was broadcast on south korean tv. the cover up became more obvious when one of the divers died in the 3rd unnamed site. we know it a different site from the 2 official one because they show footage where they drop flowers into the sea that was clearly very far from the 2 named site. so either south korea navy send a man to his death by making them dive in the wrong place or they were trying to recover something they didn't want other people to know about.
all the claim that there is an international investigation is bullshit. no divers other than south korean ones were at the scene, all the foreign investigator got were evidence that was already needed displaced by the south korean. south korea has in fact deny request to dive into the area, so how does the international team do any independent investigation? in fact they didn't, in their statement, they simply state they agree with the finding based on the evidence provided by south korea since they have no means to investigate at all.
some japanese believes US engineered the incident to make US military base more appealing to japanese and korean politic at a time both country were heading to election and anti-US bases were becoming increasing popular. which ultimately lead to the PM's resignation when he couldn't end the base as he promised under such conditions. of course we will never know...