Now I'm trying to translate this sentence in a Wikipedia article about Yukiko Todoroki:
1937年、宝塚退団と同時に日活作品『宮本武蔵 地の巻� �のお通役で映画デビュー。この背景には東宝の長谷川一夫引き抜きに対する既存4� �(松竹、日活、新興キネマ、大都映画)の意趣返しが� �ったという。、
The first sentence I understand:
In 1937, she left Takarazuka [Revue] and made her debut in the Nikkatsu production "Musashi Miyamoto: Earth Scroll" as Otsu.
How should I phrase the second sentence? I'm guessing something like
It is said this was revenge by the four existing film companies (Shochiku, Nikkatsu, Shinkou Cinema, and Daito Film) against Toho's Kazuo Hasegawa.
How is that? Did I get it right? The 対する and 意趣返しがあったという are throwing me off!
Edit: What the heck is a 失明騒ぎ? Some sort of uproar that causes blindness? This makes me think of a sandstorm, but it surely must be a figure of speech! Is it a blackout? Temporary blindness?